Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Furmint February hot on the heels of Carnival

Here is a  taste of the programme...
- 10.00 BURNING THE STRAWMAN and burying the winter with local nursery children
- 10.30-11.30 FURMINT SEMINAR tasting of 12 Furmint wines led by Tokaji wine expert LÁSZLÓ ALKONYI
- 11.30-14.00 HEGYALJAI FURMINT FEBRUARY: Furmint tasting with artisan producers of Tokaj-Hegyalja:

 For those of you less familiar with the best of Tokaj winemakers, in this list you will be delighted to discover many of the very, very best! And I have to say we are delighted they can join us! This is a unique opportunity to come and taste for yourself!

- 13.00 Visit the Estate and the Winery of host Disznókő

- GASTRO ADVENTURE: Sárga Borház Restaurant's freshly made doughnuts (Hungarian Carnival fare) with local jam specialities

- MÁRIA KOLBÁSA designer exhibits her ball dresses ready for the Ball

- GARGULYA troupe provide music, dance and masked fun throughout the day to get you in the mood for the Carnival

An excellent way to start the new year refreshed and invigorated!
More details about this year's programme in the next blog.

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